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To be relevant online We need to be current

We're offering equity in the form of private shares in KripZa (Pty) Ltd as a limited share offer. We need you to get in contact with us and reserve your share as soon as possible. This is your direct link to our marketing team and we are looking forward hearing from you. You can reach them on all social media or email us directly by sending your enquiry to

The following videos explain the significance and importance of  "Non Fungible Tokens":

1.)  This TED talk:  "The three letters that are changing digital experiences now | Elizabeth Strickler"  describes why NFT's are so important.   Click on the link Ted Talk NFT's - Elizabeth Strickler to find out more.

2.)  This TED talk:  "How NFTs are building the internet of the future | Kayvon Tehranian"  explains what NFT's truly are.   Click on the link Ted Talk NFT's - Kayvon Tehranian to find out more.

Non Fungible Tokens (NFT's)
  • 01.
    NFTs are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated.
  • 02.
    NFTs can represent real-world items like artwork and real estate.
  • 03.
    "Tokenizing" real-world assets makes trading them more efficient while reducing fraud.
  • 04.
    NFTs can also function to represent individuals' identities, property rights, and more.
  • 05.
    Investing in NFT's is becoming more popular and profitable.
  • 06.
    NFT's are traded on many open markets such as Open Sea



This timer is the countdown to the expiration of the first round of NFT releases. There will be only two more rounds but the most rarest of NFT's will be released during this first round.

Equity Give Away! 30% shares available in Kriptonite!

The following Angel investment opportunity exist due to COVID-19 effects

The Kript0nite NFT Collectibles

  1. Non Fungible Tokens or NFT's as people would refer to the non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain.
  2. This non-interchangeable identifier (NFT) cannot be arbitrarily swapped with another. Its one of a kind and cannot be stolen or replicated.
  3. The owner of such a token (NFT) is clearly identifiable, visible in the public domain and verified by millions of block-chain nodes.
  4. Law requires that each physical share certificate have information of the shareholder and shareholding in the company, on it.
  5. Each NFT is linked to a certain value and a certain equity share and the certificate can be unlocked directly on the item.
  6. Many features distinguish one item from the other such as the mouth, eyes, sparkles etc. and every item is 100% unique in the world.
  7. Scarcity and rarity is determined by the serial number. The lower the number the more scarce and rare is the item. for example: knite001 is the rarest.
  8. There are three main series namely, gold, pink and green. Each series has a different level of investment required and a different equity share attached.
KripZa Giver of Equity
kripza image
Welcome to You...

Let me introduce myself..., I am KripZa... the most rarest of them all! (serial no. knite001). I am the official Kript0nite NFT Character. I can be found on the premier NFT market place  OpenSea.

If you are interested I have a mandate to hand out equity in exchange for a small contribution.

My sister and brother...
kripza image kripza image

Feel free to contact us using the phone number above or email us at   Share Offering   Alternatively you can register a preliminary reservation upon which our team will contact you.

INVEST IN US Persona's,  Is this You?

BECOME ONE OF OUR FUNDERS, ...Opportunity to general public

Always dreamt of becoming a shareholder? I, KripZa, is offering you that dream?

Are YOU like anyone of the three people below? or maybe similar in a character?

Do you know somebody that are like Rapulane, Bradley and Blanche?

We are looking for anybody who wants to take a leap of faith and invest in the Next Generation of accounting tools. Simply put, it is an open offer to whomever have some investable cash and is dreaming of becoming part of a technology startup.

You will receive a unique and rare (1 out of 400) Non Fungible Token (NFT) of your choice (Select your NFT below). Each NFT is 100% unique from the next, will be minted via the Open Sea market onto the Ethereum Blockchain and allocated to you as legitimate owner.

Each NFT represents a specific portion of equity in KripZa in exchange for a minor investment amount. As shareholder, you become part of the Kript0nite team, and your benefits in terms of such role will be not only from dividends, but also from the best preferential offers available.

“To express your interest in the Equity Share Offer, read our guarantee below and then fill in the form to reserve your right NOW!”

green persona
pink persona
gold persona
Limited Offer! No obligation share reservation!
By filling this form in you are reserving your NFT Share Certificate
Non Fungible Tokens NFT Based Shares
custom image

Option 1

3000 carat

50x NFT Shares (certificate) @ R15,000 each for 7.5% total equity

custom image

Option 2

2000 carat

100x NFT Shares (certificate) @ R10,000 each for 10% total equity

custom image

Option 3

1000 carat

150x NFT Shares (certificate) @ R5,000 each for 12.5% total equity

Available NFT's

Click on the thumbnail to select and view the NFT

Latest Reservations

  1. There are no reserved NFT's at the moment

The GOLD SERIES - NFT Collection


50x NFT Shares (certificate) @ R15,000 each for 7.5% total equity